
Very challenging

Question ID: 2116
みずと おちゃ__________ どちらが いいですか。
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Claudia writes:

みずと おちゃ__________ どちらが いいですか。

English: "Which would you like between water and tea?"

Key vocabulary:

みず - water

おちゃ - tea

どちら - which

いい - good

いいですか? directly translates to "is it/are they good?" but is used to as "what would you like?" or "what do you like?"

e.g. みずがいいですか? - Would you like water? (lit. "Is water OK?")


や - and (other things)
Used when listing things but doesn't specify every item.

e.g. むずおちゃをかいました。- I bought water and tea (and more).

の - possessive particle
Indicates when something belongs to something else.

e.g. わたしおちゃをのみました。- I drank my tea.

が - subject particle
Indicates the subject of the sentence.

e.g. このおちゃおいしいです。- This tea is tasty.

と - and
Used to connect two nouns.

e.g. みずおちゃをかいました。- I bought water and tea. (And nothing else.)

You might think the answer is が because we're talking about the water and tea, however, notice how this sentence already has a が?

In the clause どちらが いいですか the subject is どちら because the main focus of the questions is which is good (which do you want)?

You cannot have two subjects in a sentence so が cannot be correct.

The right answer is と because you're asking "which between A and B (and)?"

noun と noun と どちらが - which is ___ A or B?

e.g. バスでんしゃとどちらがはやいですか。- Which is faster, bus or train?

e.g. 日本語英語とどちらがむずしいですか。- Which language is more difficult, Japanese or English?

Difficulty Rating

53% success rate Very challenging

Success rate: 53%
Practiced by: 67 Japanese learners
Times attempted: 1004 times

This question has been practiced 1004 times by 67 Japanese learners who answered it correctly 53% of the time.

So far, our users generally find this question Very challenging.

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