
Moderately challenging

Question ID: 68
A: パワー電気__________会社ですか。
Choose from:

Claudia writes:

English Translation:
A: "Power Electric is what sort of company?"
B: "A computer-type company."

Key Vocab:
電気 (でんき) - electricity; 会社 (かいしゃ) - company;

Notes: の indicates possession or inclusion in a group. Here, the speaker is asking what group, or type of companies パワー電気 falls under.

Difficulty Rating

75% success rate Moderately challenging

Success rate: 75%
Practiced by: 398 Japanese learners
Times attempted: 1835 times

This question has been practiced 1835 times by 398 Japanese learners who answered it correctly 75% of the time.

So far, our users generally find this question Moderately challenging.

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