

Question ID: 5646
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Claudia writes:


English: "With this agreement we need to bridge the gap between each side's statements."

Key vocabulary:

合意(ごうい)- (to cone to an) agreement

にあたって - on the occasion of (formal way of saying で)

主張(しゅちょう)- (to) insist, claim

埋める(うめる)- to bury


幅(はば)- width

堺(さかい)- world [uncommon kanji]

間(あいだ)- space, gap

溝(どぶ)- ditch, drain / gap

溝を埋める - to bridge the gap (literally "bury/fill in the ditch")

Difficulty Rating

60% success rate Challenging

Success rate: 60%
Practiced by: 180 Japanese learners
Times attempted: 538 times

This question has been practiced 538 times by 180 Japanese learners who answered it correctly 60% of the time.

So far, our users generally find this question Challenging.

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