

Question ID: 5647
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Claudia writes:


(Due to bad weather, the arrival of airplanes is delayed)

The question is asking about how the delay is affecting the flights.

The correct answer is 軒並み (nokinami), which means "across the board" or "universally".

In the given sentence, the speaker is explaining that the arrival of airplanes is delayed due to bad weather. The phrase "悪天候により" (akutenkou ni yori) means "due to bad weather," and the sentence is asking about how the flights are affected by it.

  • Option 軒並み (nokinami) means "across the board" or "universally" and is the most appropriate answer. This phrase indicates that the delay is not limited to a few flights, but rather that all flights are affected.
  • Option 足並み (ashinami) means "pace" or "step" and is not applicable to the situation of delayed flights.
  • Option 人並み (hitonami) means "average" or "typical" and does not make sense in the context of the sentence.
  • Option 月並み (tsukinami) means "commonplace," and is also not relevant to the context of the sentence.

Therefore, the most appropriate option is 軒並み (nokinami), which conveys the idea that all flights are delayed due to bad weather.

Difficulty Rating

62% success rate Challenging

Success rate: 62%
Practiced by: 154 Japanese learners
Times attempted: 506 times

This question has been practiced 506 times by 154 Japanese learners who answered it correctly 62% of the time.

So far, our users generally find this question Challenging.

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