
Moderately challenging

Question ID: 5660
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Claudia writes:


English: "A strict state of emergency has been imposed around the ceremony site."

Key vocabulary:

式典会場(しきてんかいじょう)- ceremony site

物々しい(ものものしい)- strict (e.g. security)

警戒態勢(けいかいたいせい)- emergency status

敷く(しく)- to spread / to impose widely (e.g. over a city)


勇ましい(いさましい)- brave

ずうずうしい - shameless

物騒(ぶっそう)- dangerous

厳重(げんじょう)- strict

Note: When 警戒態勢が敷かれている it means "a state of emergency has been imposed" or that a place "is on high alert".

e.g. 北京や上海など中国の大都市では、大勢の警官がパトロールするなど、厳重な警戒態勢が敷かれている。- Large numbers of police officers are patrolling in Beijing, Shanghai, and other large Chinese cities, and are on high alert.

Difficulty Rating

66% success rate Moderately challenging

Success rate: 66%
Practiced by: 96 Japanese learners
Times attempted: 376 times

This question has been practiced 376 times by 96 Japanese learners who answered it correctly 66% of the time.

So far, our users generally find this question Moderately challenging.

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