
Very challenging

Question ID: 5648
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Claudia writes:


English: "I finally finished the work I spent hours on and my boss gave me words of gratitude."

Key vocabulary:

ようやく - finally

上司(じょうし)- boss

言葉をかけられる - to say words


手当て(てあて)- compensation / medical treatment

e.g 凍死しそうな乞食が手当てのため、病院に運び込まれた。- A freezing beggar was brought into the hospital for treatment.

励まし(はげまし)- encouragement

e.g 彼女は励ましの言葉は一言も発しなかった。- She didn't utter a single word of encouragement.

慰め(なぐさめ)- comfort

e.g 旅に出ることには慰めがある。- We find comfort in traveling.

ねぎらい - thanks, gratitude, reward

e.g 初めて商談を成功させた部下への労いの為、ランチに連れ出した。- I took my subordinate out to lunch to reward/thank him for his first successful business meeting.

ねぎらい(労い)is only used by someone of high rank to someone of lower rank, which is why it's often used by 上司.

Difficulty Rating

47% success rate Very challenging

Success rate: 47%
Practiced by: 157 Japanese learners
Times attempted: 562 times

This question has been practiced 562 times by 157 Japanese learners who answered it correctly 47% of the time.

So far, our users generally find this question Very challenging.

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