
Moderately challenging

Question ID: 5650
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Claudia writes:


English: "My parents were against me commuting to school, but I stuck to my guns."

Key vocabulary:

通学(つうがく)- (to) commute to school

意思(いし)- intention, wish


終始する(しゅうしする)- to do something from beginning to end

e.g. 彼女は落ち着いた態度に終始した。- She maintained a calm manner.

徹する(てっする)- to penetrate / devote oneself to / do throughout (e.g. the night)

e.g. 教師に徹する覚悟だ。- I'm ready to devote myself to being a teacher.

刺し通す(さしとおす)- to stab, run through (e.g. with a sword)

e.g. 彼は刀で身体を刺し通した。- He was stabbed through the body with a sword.

貫く(つらぬく)- to go through, pierce / run through (e.g. a river through a city) / to stick to (one's opinion, principles.)

e.g. 弾丸は彼を貫いた。- The bullet penetrated him.

e.g. 光は闇を貫く。- The light penetrates the darkness.

e.g. 主義を貫く。- Live up to one's principles.

As you can see, 貫く can piece "to pierce" as well as "to stick to one's beliefs".

It means 考えや態度などを変えることなく保ち続ける。貫徹する。 "to keep an idea or attitude unchanged." 

Difficulty Rating

66% success rate Moderately challenging

Success rate: 66%
Practiced by: 141 Japanese learners
Times attempted: 450 times

This question has been practiced 450 times by 141 Japanese learners who answered it correctly 66% of the time.

So far, our users generally find this question Moderately challenging.

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