
Moderately challenging

Question ID: 3420
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Claudia writes:


English: "Please pile the plates here."

Key vocabulary:

お皿(おさら)- plates

ここ - here

おく - to put down


You can combine two verbs together with て form to describe two actions that happen practically at the same time or right after the other.

So combining a verb with おく turns the action into "___ put down".

Here are the options,

ころぶ - to fall over

e.g 足がもつれて転びそうになった。- I tripped and nearly fell.

たおれる - to fall down

e.g 前日の台風で木が倒れていた。- The tree had been blown down by the typhoon of the day before.

くわえる - to add

e.g 母はサラダに塩を加えるのを忘れた。- My mother forgot to add salt to the salad.

かさねる - to stack

e.g 机の上には漫画本がかさねてあった。- The comic books were stacked on the desk.

かさねる is used when describing flat objects piled onto of one another such as 紙(かみ)"paper or 皿(さら)"plates."

It can also be used with non-physical objects just as 年齢(ねんれい)"years" or 悪事(あくじ)"bad things, crimes."

e.g 年齢を重ねるにつれ、だんだん遠視になってきている。- I'm slowly getting farsighted as the years stack up.

Difficulty Rating

67% success rate Moderately challenging

Success rate: 67%
Practiced by: 265 Japanese learners
Times attempted: 839 times

This question has been practiced 839 times by 265 Japanese learners who answered it correctly 67% of the time.

So far, our users generally find this question Moderately challenging.

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