

Question ID: 5662
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Claudia writes:


English: "You should firmly refuse such an unfair demand."

Key vocabulary:

不公平(ふこうへい)- unfair

要求(ようきゅう)- demand

断固(だんこ)- firm

反対(はんたい)- objection


さっぱり - feel refreshed

e.g 私はプールでひと泳ぎした後とてもさっぱりした。- I felt so refreshed after a swim in the pool.

When used with a negative verb it means "not in the least".

さっぱりわからない - I have no idea.

すっかり - completely

e.g 名前をすっかり忘れてしまいました。- I completely forget your name.

e.g 彼女は新しい仕事にすっかり満足している。- She is completely satisfied with her new job.

ぎっしり - tightly (packed)

e.g 彼は棚に本をぎっしり詰め込んだ。- He crowded the books into the shelves.

きっぱり - clearly

Used mostly when conveying something verbally such as 言う、断る, etc.

e.g 私は彼に彼とは結婚しないときっぱり言いました。- I told him, once for all, that I would not marry him.

Because 断固反対するべき means "you should give a firm objection" it implies that the 反対 is spoken. As such きっぱり反対 is the right answer.

Difficulty Rating

57% success rate Challenging

Success rate: 57%
Practiced by: 107 Japanese learners
Times attempted: 465 times

This question has been practiced 465 times by 107 Japanese learners who answered it correctly 57% of the time.

So far, our users generally find this question Challenging.

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