
Moderately challenging

Question ID: 5663
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Claudia writes:


English: "With economic development, the people's lives gradually became more affluent."

Key vocabulary:

発展(はってん)- development

に伴い(にともない)- along with

徐々に(じょじょに)- gradually

豊か(ゆたか)- affluent


徐々に means "gradually" but is this a どんどん or a だんだん?

どんどん is a little faster than だんだん. This of the beat of a drum getting faster and faster どんどんどんどん

e.g. 先生はどんどん話しつづけた。- The teacher talked on and on.

e.g. 人口はどんどん増加していた。- There was a steady increase in population.

e.g. 状況はどんどんひどくなる。- The situation gets worse and worse.

Whereas だんだん is more gradual, with change happening steadily as if going up steps one by one, だんだんだんだん.

e.g. 祖母はだんだん忘れっぽくなり、弱ってきた。- My grandmother was gradually becoming forgetful and frail.

e.g. 生徒の数がだんだん減ってきた。- We're getting fewer and fewer students.

徐々に means a slow gradual increase. It's the same kanji used in 徐行(じょこう)"go slowly".

Difficulty Rating

66% success rate Moderately challenging

Success rate: 66%
Practiced by: 104 Japanese learners
Times attempted: 397 times

This question has been practiced 397 times by 104 Japanese learners who answered it correctly 66% of the time.

So far, our users generally find this question Moderately challenging.

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